Szlavón hercegi és báni ítélőmesterek a XIV. században

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Éva B. Halász


The head of the Zagrabian chancellery was the prothonotarius. They controlled the edition of the charters. In the charters of the prince and princess their name were written in the "datum per manus"-form. They sometimes appeared as "homo banus", managed cases and participated in the generális congergatio as well as in the court of justice. Therefore, their knowledge of law, writing and reading was a big support to the dignitary. Between 1359 and 1376 the prothonotarii sometimes worked as a viceban, too, and issued charters in their own name, with their own seal. They were important people in the family of the Sclavonian prince and ban, however, only one prothonotarius is known before 1350, in connection with his land, not with his work in the chancellery. He was master Andrew, the prothonotarius of ban Mikes. After 1350, we know the prothonotarii of all the Sclavonian bans and princes. Each ban had his own prothonotarius. George Megyericsei was the head of prince Stephan's and Peter was the head of princess Margareta's chancellery. Kozma was the prothonotarius of Nicholas Hahót. He was a member of the family of Nicholas and worked for his lord before and after his banatus, and after his death for the sons of Nicholas. He didn't issue charters in his own name. The prothonotarius of Leusták Paksi was master Jacob, who served bishop Stephan Kanizsai, too, when he held the "vicarius of Sclavonie" title. In the 14th century he was the only prothonotarius, who stayed in this office after the changing of the ban, consequently he could have been a very good specialist. Nicholas Szécsi's prothonotarius was Michael Sörnyei. He followed his lord in his different offices, when Nicholas Szécsi was the iudex curie, Michael was the prothonotarius iudicis curie. Jacob and Michael Sörnyei issued charters in their own names, when they were the vicar of their lords. For the prothonotarius his office provided an opportunity to become rich. Master Kozma had his own family and Michael Sörnyei picked up several lands during his work. Unfortunately, the notaries, who were the real workers of the chancellery of the ban, are unknown.

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How to Cite
B. Halász, Éva. 2009. “Szlavón Hercegi és báni ítélőmesterek a XIV. Században”. Acta Historica (Szeged) 130 (January):69-83.