Az angol főnemesi társadalom jellemzői a kései középkorban

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Richárd Szántó


This paper contains thé concise skatch of the origin, structure and important privileges of the English nobility. One group of the noblemen originated from old feudal baronial families, the other came from knights, who had got great estates and baronial rank from the grace of the king in the 14-15th centuries. The king summoned the noblemen to the House of Lords, and they had a lot of privileges, from which the gentry families were excluded. The nobility identified with the parliamentary peerage, whose privileges, ranks and estates were inheritable. Below family of the king, the nobility stood at the top of the social hierarchy. The nobility containing fifty-sixty families possessed the greatest estates and incomes, and some nobleman got annuitaty from the king. The noblemen often held important offices, and they took part in the compaign of the king.

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How to Cite
Szántó, Richárd. 2005. “Az Angol főnemesi társadalom jellemzői a kései középkorban”. Acta Historica (Szeged) 121 (January):101-9.