El ánima sola : Enrique Buenaventura adapta a Tomás Carrasquilla

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Carolina Ramos Fernández


The Colombian playwright Enrique Buenaventura adapted for the scene the story of qualified
Tomás Carrasquilla “The alone soul”.
It is not the first time that the first one adapts to the second one so his pieces: In the God's righthand
side father, The Guariconga (inspired by the work Palonegro); San Antoñito also they
inspired also by the work of the novelist, taking it as a point of item for his theatrical theory.
In all the cases, Enrique Buenaventura searches, in Tomás Carrasquilla's work, the popular
voice, the autochthonous speech, the known topic and the direct communication with the spectators
and spectators of his epoch. Ingredients with which it re-elaborates the popular history opening
new points of view, renewing prominent figures and introducing new characters without


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How to Cite
Fernández, C. R. (2010). El ánima sola : Enrique Buenaventura adapta a Tomás Carrasquilla. Acta Hispanica, 15, 69–81. https://doi.org/10.14232/actahisp.2010.15.69-81