Cybersecurity Strategies in Latin American Countries – a Comparative Analysis

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Anna Urbanovics
Rodrigo Guajardo


Following the developed countries, Latin American countries start to pay more attention to developing their cyber capabilities. In alignment with these, more and more countries from the region create their own national cybersecurity strategy, stating the main targets, interests and defining the main challenges and threats. The study aims to analyze and compare these strategies issued by the leading states of the region. The article has a mixed methods research design. The methodology used mostly consists of secondary data analysis based on international databases as well as the systematic analysis of the strategies by document analysis techniques. The expected results therefore tend to summarize the main structures of these strategies -including the principal interests and defining challenges with respect to the studied states - identify common patterns of the strategies considering the political and international context of the region and make suggestions for future developments by comparing the current situation and main structures of these countries.


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How to Cite
Urbanovics, A., & Guajardo, R. (2022). Cybersecurity Strategies in Latin American Countries – a Comparative Analysis. Acta Hispanica, (IV), 89–104.
Author Biographies

Anna Urbanovics, University of Public Service, Budapest

Estudiante de doctorado en la Universidad Nacional de Servicio Público, Budapest. Tiene el título magíster en estudios de Seguridad Internacional en la Universidad Nacional de Servicio Público y magíster en sociología en la Universidad Corvinus de Budapest. Sus áreas de investigación son: sociedad de la información, cienciometría y relaciones internacionales.

Rodrigo Guajardo, University of Public Service, Budapest

Ingeniero Mecánico y en Sistemas de Armas. En este momento es candidato a Doctor de las Universidades de Servicio Público en Budapest y la Escuela Europea de Seguridad y Defensa en Bruselas. Su trabajo se centra específicamente en modelos de apoyo a la toma de decisiones en el proceso de desarrollo de capacidades de defensa.


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