Multiple Gazes and Leaked Narrations Slided Perspectives in Rodrigo Blanco Calderón and Magela Baudoin's Short Stories
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The article analyzes the degree of access to information that the recipient of a narrative text reaches, on the basis of the type of relationship established between the extra-textual level (where the receiver stays) and the mimetic plane, where the informative clarity of the narrator can disappears and where a multiplication of subjective points of view appears. Thus, we propose a study: a) of the informative filters associated with the proliferation of diversified versions of the facts in the textual plane; b) of the perceptual models adopted by the fictional characters, whose looks, voices and description of what is seen impact the reader’s representation of the diegetic world. Object of analysis are two stories by contemporary narrators: “Petrarca” (2018), by the Venezuelan Rodrigo Blanco Calderón and “Sueño vertical” (2017) by the Bolivian Magela Baudoin.
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Accepted 2021-08-29
Published 2021-12-07
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