Scenic Atavisms and Labyrinthine Constructions in Contemporary Spanish-American Theater The Revival of the Myth of the Minotaur in the Texts of Emilio Carballido, León Febres-Cordero and Carlos Rehermann
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In an ideologically complex and solipsist era, contemporary Spanish-American theater returns thematically to ancient myths in order to dive deeper into the subject, establishing a broader dialectic with Western culture. Among the motifs inherited from Greek mythology that propose the symbolic projection of our inner world, the figure of the Minotaur and its labyrinth emerges as a result of its narrative dynamics. In the present article, the scenic projection of the archetype of the Cretan bull and its dark habitat is studied as a metaphor for man’s eternal impulses in three representative plays of contemporary Spanish-American dramaturgy: Teseo by Emilio Carballido, El último Minotauro by León Febres-Cordero and Minotauros by Carlos Rehermann.
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