Orality as a Time Horizon of Childhood and Maternal Home in César Vallejo's and Attila József's Poetry
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Nostalgia, longing for maternal lap, continuous seeking for childhood memories, remembrance of family life – all are recurrent elements in both poets’ work, the Peruvian César Vallejo and the Hungarian Attila József. However, besides the thematic motives, there are many rhetorical and discursive features in their poetry that allude to the division of at least two temporal horizons: the longed past and the disillusioned present. This article pretends to prove how oral voices of childhood emerge as a discursive fracture in syntax, in combination with silence and muteness, in order to evoke mother’s word in the continuous present, by studying volumes of both poets: César Vallejo’s Los heraldos negros (1918) and Trilce (1922), and Attila József’s Medvetánc (1934) and Nagyon fáj (1936).
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