Women and the Role of the Colombian University towards the mid-20th Century

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Lina Adriana Parra Báez


In Colombia, towards the middle of the 20th century, the university had an enormous responsibility in the face of the various social events and phenomena that were presented. Therefore, it was hoped that it would contribute to the solution of the different national conflicts and problems that threatened in a different way the stability of the State, based on situations of political violence and economic crisis. Here the position was directed: “in the face of this cyclone that threatens, the university is called to rescue the nation from such a sad situation […] Chronic illiteracy in Colombia has allowed this imbalance, and if there is no concern for such a failure, the road to The disorder is immediate. Only through education and the energies and money that are dedicated to it -education- can this state of affairs be relieved”. In that sense, women were called to recognize their role through responses to the challenges posed, with a view to generating development processes for the generation of new knowledge.


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How to Cite
Parra Báez, L. A. (2020). Women and the Role of the Colombian University towards the mid-20th Century. Acta Hispanica, (II), 923–932. https://doi.org/10.14232/actahisp.2020.0.923-932
Author Biography

Lina Adriana Parra Báez, Pedagogical and Technological University of Colombia

Lina Adriana Parra Báez. Docente Asociada Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia - Tunja (Boyacá/Colombia). Investigadora del Grupo de Investigación Historia y Prospectiva de la Universidad Latinoamericana - HISULA.  Integrante y Secretaria del Centro de Estudios Femeninos de Boyacá - CEFB. Miembro de Número de la Academia Boyacense de Historia. Ha publicado en temas referentes a educación y pedagogía, mujer e historia de la educación.


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