Water Care in the Key of Complex-Southern Environmental Thought

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Natalia Sanchez


Water is not only a fundamental pillar in the productive and social dynamics of a territory, it represents a common good that makes life possible. The shared use of this element generates a series of impacts, interdependencies and uncertainties in the processes of management and decision making. Recognizing that the participation of diverse actors and the integration of local knowledge are key in the construction of an understanding of the socio-ecological systems and their possible responses to changes, this paper, welcomes the idea that water management must rethink in the key of an Environmental Thought that bets to other ways of knowing the reality and therefore of transforming it, raising the urgency of a pedagogy founded on a thought that from the cultures of the America – Abya - Yala, propicien the care as path towards a poetic-south dwelling. The reflections that are shared in this work, arise from the initial stage of the doctoral thesis "Pedagogic Praxis in the key of complex southern environmental thinking" which is developed within the framework of the research project called "Resilience and Management of Socio-Ecological Strategies Systems for Agricultural Activity, in Scenarios of Climate Variability. Case Study: Sochagota Lake (Boyacá, Colombia)”, where from the interdisciplinary and intercultural dialogue, it has been possible to identify the epistemological obstacles for a management oriented to the care of water.


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How to Cite
Sanchez, N. (2020). Water Care in the Key of Complex-Southern Environmental Thought. Acta Hispanica, (II), 721–736. https://doi.org/10.14232/actahisp.2020.0.721-736
Author Biography

Natalia Sanchez, Boyacá University, Colombia

Ingeniera Sanitaria y Ambiental, especialista en Gerencia de proyectos, Magister en Bioética, Candidata a Doctor en el Doctorado de Ciencias de la Educación de la Universidad Simón Bolívar de Barranquilla, Colombia. Investigadora Asociada de COLCIENCIAS. Docente de la Universidad de Boyacá, Sede Sogamoso, Boyacá, Colombia. Activista Ambiental y educadora Popular.



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