Gender Violence in Three Detective Novels by Mexican Women Writers Patricia Valladares, Laura Esquivel and Fernanda Melchor
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This article suggests that several detective novels written by Mexican women writers in the first decades of the 21st century connect crime with society and culture. In the works of Patricia Valladares (Tan frío como el infierno, 2014), Laura Esquivel (A Lupita le gustaba planchar, 2015) and Fernanda Melchor (Temporada de huracanes, 2017), the crime being investigated occurs embedded in the context of general violence, corruption and chaos that govern the country immersed in social crisis of the Neoliberal era. The problem that stands out is gender violence as part of the patriarchal macho culture, aggravated by the crisis. The novels denote hope of finding alternate, more liberating experiences, even though they do not necessarily find viable solutions.
Article Details
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