Latin America, Subordinate Insertion and Migratory Outbreaks

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Manoel Gonçalves Rodrigues
Fernando José Pereira da Costa


After the lost decade (1980s), the neoliberal adjustment of the Washington Consensus (1990s) and the illusion experienced by the rise in commodity prices in the international market, which in Brazil would imply in the decline of social-developmentalism, the countries of America the problems of migratory issues. Thus, migratory movements related to Latin American countries include the emigration of their nationals to the central-organic countries, inter-migrations in the region and the occurrence of migratory flows from other continents (especially in Asia and from Africa). Thus, contrary to what happened in the subtended period of the nineteenth century to the sixties of the present century, Latin America is not only positioned as a predominantly European immigration center (with emphasis on Argentina, Uruguay, Chile and Brazil) and starts to live with all these aspects characterizing the new migratory flows. To this new reality, the situation of degeneration experienced by much of the Periphery/Semi periphery, except for the countries of East Asia and China, as a result of globalization and neoliberalism, characterizing elements of the current stage of the world-economy.


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How to Cite
Rodrigues, M. G., & Pereira da Costa , F. J. (2020). Latin America, Subordinate Insertion and Migratory Outbreaks. Acta Hispanica, (II), 379–386.
Author Biographies

Manoel Gonçalves Rodrigues, Estacio de Sa University

Formado em Engenharia Química pela Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), com mestrado em Ciências pela COPPE/UFRJ, doutorado em Engenharia com foco em Meio Ambiente pela Universidade de Campinas (Unicamp). Pesquisador e professor universitário, sendo coautor de vários artigos e trabalhos.

Fernando José Pereira da Costa , Independent researcher

Formado em Economia pela FEA/UFRJ, com mestrado em Ciências pela COPPE/UFRJ e DEA em Economia pela USC. Foi professor universitário e do ensino secundário e profissional, sendo coautor de vários artigos e trabalhos.


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