Human Right to the Environment First Criminal Conviction in Argentina "Gabrielli Jorge Alberto and Others P.S.A. Violation Law 24.051", its Resolution

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Matias Ignacio Borgarello


The application of pesticides in farms near populated neighborhoods seriously affects the health of the resident population, and in an exemplary conviction –in September 2012– the criminal justice of Cordoba was issued in this regard, a sentence confirmed by both the Superior Court of Justice of Córdoba as by the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation on September 12, 2017 The First Chamber of Crime, among its recitals, warns that the Ituzaingó Annex –affected neighborhood and object of the ruling “Gabrielli Jorge Alberto and other PSA Infraction Law 24.051”– had been declared in a sanitary emergency since 2002 and those who applied the pesticides knew that it was The health emergency was in force and there was a delicate situation regarding public health. The sentence was issued in September 2012 and confirmed successively in 2015 and 2017.


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How to Cite
Borgarello, M. I. . (2020). Human Right to the Environment First Criminal Conviction in Argentina: "Gabrielli Jorge Alberto and Others P.S.A. Violation Law 24.051", its Resolution. Acta Hispanica, (II), 425–434.
Author Biography

Matias Ignacio Borgarello, Nacional University of Córdoba - University Blas Pascal

Matías Borgarello es abogado, estudiante de Escribanía en la Universidad Blas Pascal -UBP-, trabaja en Poder Judicial de la Provincia de Córdoba y es miembro del equipo de investigación que dirije Juarez Centeno perteneciente a la Facultad de Derecho, Secretaria de Ciencia y Tecnología -SECyT- Universidad Nacional de Córdoba.



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