Cinema in Transition, Transition in Cinema: the Frames of the Evolution of a Democratic Film Policy in Spain

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The scenarios of democratic transitions extend from the spheres of politics and society to those of economy and culture. Cinema has always been one of the most suitable arts to reflect the opinions, concerns and hopes of a nation. For this reason, the birth of a new film policy indicates well in which direction does the political system of a country evolve. In my essay I try to sketch the filmic aspect of the democratic transitions, paying special attention to the Spanish case, highlighting the most remarkable elements of this cinematographic transformation in the political context of the period.


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How to Cite
Lénárt, A. (2018). Cinema in Transition, Transition in Cinema: the Frames of the Evolution of a Democratic Film Policy in Spain. Acta Hispanica, (I), 67–82.
Author Biography

András Lénárt

András Lénárt is doctor in Contemporary History, is Senior Lecturer of history and cinema of the Hispanic world in the Department of Hispanic Studies of the University of Szeged (Hungary), and also teaches at the Institute of History and the Department of Communication of the same university. He has been a visiting professor at the University of Barcelona and the University of Huelva. His areas of research include the contemporary history, politics and cinema of Spain and Latin America, the relations between universal history and cinema, the history of propaganda, and relations between the United States and Latin America. He is the author of a monograph on the Franco regime’s film policy and also of about 70 essays and studies written in Hungarian, Spanish and English. He has lectured at more than 60 international congresses in Hungary, Spain, England, Germany, France, Portugal, Serbia and Holland. He is a member of 11 international scientific associations and also of the General Assembly of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences.