Americanity in the Andean Baroque Music (Bolivia, Ecuador, Peru): Sincretism and Identities

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When the colonial cities of the former Inca empire sought to consolidate an identity, the cultural elements of the metropolis were intertwined with the ancient tradition, so syncretism gives a unique character to the Andean cultural manifestations of the eighteenth century. In this work we reflect on our own cultural traits, whose roots refer both to Spanish models and those of native peoples, which substantiate musical creations that are framed in the aesthetics of the Baroque but with distinctive elements of the Andean world. Thus, for example, Marian devotions whose image is identified with a ñusta, are accompanied by their own music, which we present together with other examples of musical and cultural syncretism, from a research work carried out in the archives of Bolivia, Ecuador and Peru.


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How to Cite
Sarfson Gleizer, S., & Madrid Gómez, R. (2018). Americanity in the Andean Baroque Music (Bolivia, Ecuador, Peru): Sincretism and Identities. Acta Hispanica, 23, 341–347.
Author Biographies

Susana Sarfson Gleizer

Es doctora en filosofía y ciencias de la educación y licenciada en filología hispánica. Es profesora superior de música (piano y clave). Obtuvo diploma en pedagogía musical Kodály. Es profesora titular de la Universidad de Zaragoza.

Rodrigo Madrid Gómez

Es doctor en filosofía y ciencias de la educación. Es profesor superior de música (clave y órgano) y director de orquesta. Es académico de la Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Carlos de Valencia y profesor de la Universidad Católica de Valencia. Tiene publicaciones y grabaciones discográficas internacionales, dedicadas a la recuperación y estudio del patrimonio musical español e hispanoamericano.


Madrid, Rodrigo y Sarfson, Susana. 2017. Música barroca hispanoamericana. Tonadillas, cantatas y dúós. Valencia: Piles
Roldán, Waldemar Axel. 1986. Catálogo de manuscritos de música colonial de la Biblioteca Nacional de Bolivia. Sucre: Instituto Boliviano de Cultura-UNESCO.
Sarfson, Susana. 2010. Cantadas, tonos y villancicos en el Barroco boliviano. Valencia: Piles.