«Aportar contribución», «experimentar cambios» – Las construcciones con verbo soporte en el español y en el alemán

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Anita Rácz


This essay gives an overview about the so called 'light verb constructions' (LVCs) of the Spanish
and German languages. LVCs are formed by the combination of a noun as the semantic, and a verb
as the syntactic head of the construction. Since the descprition of their Spanish equivalents has gained
attention only recently, we consider it important to adapt and apply the findings of the thorough
German experiments on Spanish LVCs.


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Com citar
Rácz, A. (2013). «Aportar contribución», «experimentar cambios» – Las construcciones con verbo soporte en el español y en el alemán. Acta Hispanica, 18, 139–148. https://doi.org/10.14232/actahisp.2013.18.139-148