Epidemiology of the fall, factors helping and inhibiting the fall prevention strategy in the nursing homes of Csongrád county

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Edit Boros
Zoltán Balogh


In nursing homes, preventing the fall of the elderly is a major challenge. In foreign literature, frequency of falls is estimated at 50-70%. The aim of our research is to identify the number of nurses with health qualifications in nursing homes who are actively involved in the development and implementation of the fall prevention strategy, and to identify the factors that support or inhibit the strategy. Within the framework of our qualitative research, we conducted in-depth interviews incorporating semi-structured questions. Expert sampling was used to select the sample. Overall, 21 institutions in Csongrád country participated in the study. The interviews we conducted covered 26.5% percent of the staff of the institutions in the sample. Interview participants covered altogether 26.5% of the total sample of nursing homes in Csongrád county. On average, there is one caregiver with a medical degree for every 25.35 elderly residents in the nursing homes participating in the study. Frequency of falls is estimated at an average of 30% based on interviews and the occurrence of complications as a result of falling is at 10%. An objective assessment of the risk of a fall is not used, no fall statistics are kept, nor there is a protocol in the institutions. The assisting and inhibiting factors of fall prevention strategy correspond to the following six major areas based on the conducted interviews: changes in the health of residents, staffing conditions, institutional infrastructure providing a safe environment, care support tools and material conditions, strategies to assist further training and communication, the existence or absence of legal regulation and protocols. Elderly care is provided mainly by low-skilled nurses/carers, so it is essential to improve the knowledge and practical skills of those involved in the care of the elderly. During interviews we discovered many best practices in nursing homes to prevent falls, we consider it necessary to share them using a common platform. Our qualitative study does not allow for far-reaching conclusions, so we are considering extending the study by conducting a larger number of interviews.

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How to Cite
Boros, Edit, and Zoltán Balogh. 2020. “Epidemiology of the Fall, Factors Helping and Inhibiting the Fall Prevention Strategy in the Nursing Homes of Csongrád County”. Acta Sana 13 (2):3-11. https://doi.org/10.14232/actasana.2020.2.3-11.


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