The role of sociocultural factors in examination of the prevalence of eating disorders symptoms and body image dissatisfaction

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Zita Varga


Eating Disorders, such as Anorexia Nervosa, Bulimia Nervosa, Binge Eating Disorder or Muscle Dysmorphia, imply a public health issue. Many factors influence the development of Eating Disorders, such as sociocultural factors (i.e. media, family and peers).
The aim of the current study was to examine the prevalence of the Eating Disorders symptoms among a sample of 16-19 year old adolescents, and to reveal the role of sociocultural factors, too.
109 middle-school students took part in this questionnaire-based research, using a self constructed questionnaire, Eating Behaviour Severity Scale and Body Attitudes Test.
The results show that peers have greater effect on forming body image than parents. Spending more time with media use linked with higher level of body image dissatisfaction as well.
Despite the priority of peers forming body image parental support still has a great role in the prevention and intervention of body image issues and eating disorders. The effective prevention process includes teachers and peers, reporting any perceived symptoms towards parents, school health visitors and school psychologists in order to plan any further needed interventions.

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How to Cite
Varga, Zita. 2019. “The Role of Sociocultural Factors in Examination of the Prevalence of Eating Disorders Symptoms and Body Image Dissatisfaction”. Acta Sana 12 (2. suppl.):44-51.


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