Examination of the role of stress on 14-19 year old adolescents food intake

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Gréta Tikvicki


Stress is a natural part of every day life which can cause different reactions and consequences on the eating patterns too, like overeating, restrictive eating or unhealthy food intake.
The research aim was to examine the role of stress on 14-19 year old adolescents (N=108) food intake and how much knowledge do they have about the definition and symptoms about Binge Eating Disorder.
In conducting this research I used quantitative research methods, and a self-constructed questionnaire with open and closed questions, Bulimia subscale of Eating Disorder Questionnaire, Fallon-Rozin Test and Ways of Coping Inventory.
The results show that the majority of the examined adolescents perceive changes in their eating patterns during stressful life events, most of them repoted eating less. The respondents did not experienced the loss of control during eating. The greater part of the adolescents were dissatisfied with their bodies, on the contrary they never follow any diets in order to lose weight. Most of the respondents were not aware of the symptoms of Binge Eating Disorder.
As one way of the effective eating disorder prevention it is important to know and practice some stress management techniques.

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How to Cite
Tikvicki, Gréta. 2019. “Examination of the Role of Stress on 14-19 Year Old Adolescents Food Intake”. Acta Sana 12 (2. suppl.):38-43. https://iskolakultura.hu/index.php/actasana/article/view/32031.


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