The effect of a childbirth ont he dimensions of relationship satisfaction

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Veronika Kiss


In the research I investigate the effect of the first childbirth on the relationship satisfaction between the couple. In a romantic relationship the satisfaction of the couple effects the growing child’s mental health. As a becoming preventive nurse I find it important to shed the light on this topic.
In that case if the romantic relationship seems to be vulnerable after the birth of the first child the couple can get appropriate support to ensure the best circumstances to grow up the child.
Literature data is contradictory regarding the effect of childbirth on relationship satisfaction. The research question is that in what extent and direction effects the birth of the first child the relationship satisfaction among the couple.
The longitudinal research relies on basic demographic data and self-administered questionnaires.
The examination takes place in two time points, the first examination takes place when the mother is in the third trimester, the second one takes place after the birth on the child in a three month time interval. The couple fills out the Dyadic adjustment Scale and the Dyadic Coping Scale.

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How to Cite
Kiss, Veronika. 2019. “The Effect of a Childbirth Ont He Dimensions of Relationship Satisfaction”. Acta Sana 12 (2. suppl.):32-37.


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