Examination of dental fear among 8-12 year old children in correlation with the parent’s dental fear

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Barbara Jójárt


Dental anxiety is a common phenomena among children and adolescents. The investigation of this topic is highly important because dentaly anxiety has an impact os the children participatin on dental controls and interventions. In many research the anxiety scores of the child had an association with parental axiety scores which can be a predictive factor.
The aim of the study is investigating the association between children’s and parents’ dental anxitey on Hungarian population. Based on international studies I expect positive correlation in this regard. I assume that girls’ dental anxiety scores would be higher than boys’ dental anxiety scores. The third assumption is based on methods. I expect higher anxiety scores connected to invasive methods, than non-invasive methods.
Three questionnaires is going to be used in the study to examine dental fear and anxiety scores.
40 child aged 8-12 years would take part in the study just like one of their parents.

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How to Cite
Jójárt, Barbara. 2019. “Examination of Dental Fear Among 8-12 Year Old Children in Correlation With the parent’s Dental Fear”. Acta Sana 12 (2. suppl.):26-31. https://iskolakultura.hu/index.php/actasana/article/view/32029.


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