Közép-Európai Közlemények 2023-01-10T00:00:00+01:00 Gulyás László Open Journal Systems <p>A Közép-Európai Közlemények a történelemtudomány, a regionális tudomány, a földrajztudomány, illetve a gazdálkodás- és szervezéstudományok művelőinek folyóirata. Az első évfolyam 2008-ban indult útjára, azóta évente négy alkalommal jelenik meg. A folyóiratba a szerkesztőség kettős lektorálás után fogad be Közép-Európával foglalkozó új kutatási eredményeket bemutató, elsőközléses tanulmányokat magyar és angol nyelven.</p> Nagybérlőből mintagazda. Nádosy Kálmán gazdasági szerepe a dualizmus kori Dél-Dunántúlon 2022-10-03T16:44:05+02:00 Zoltán Kaposi <p>The Hungarian agricultural sector developed significantly in the second half of the nineteenth century. This was the time when the Western technologies and innovations were introduced to the domestic agriculture. However, it was important that trained professionals were working on the domestic large estates of whom had extensive knowledge of the Western manufacturing operations and were up to date on agricultural practices. Our study shows a case like this. Kálmán Nádosy (1832-1913) was coming from a middle-class family. In 1861 he – together with his brother István – leased the bankrupted estate of Szentlőrinc owned by the Prince Esterházy family. While leasing the estate he modernised its operations. His marriage with Mária Jeszenszky helped him to socially integrate into the community of land owners in Somogy and Baranya Counties. Nádosy played a leading role in many business organisation and he was the founder of many of them. After the leasing contract ran out he acquired a part of Helesfa village from the prince, north of Szentlőrinc. Later he also acquired lands in Tótkeresztúr and Görösgal from the heirs of Gusztáv Biedermann. By the end of the nineteenth century his estate comprised more than 2400 hectares of land. He achieved results in viticulture, winemaking, livestock management and forestry. He won numerous street and trade fair awards. He was a great supporter of the Southern Transdanubian Lutheran Church where he worked as a leader for a long time; in the meantime, he also donated to schools and churches.</p> 2023-01-04T00:00:00+01:00 Copyright (c) 2022 Közép-Európai Közlemények Faipar a dualizmus kori Dráva mente térségében 2022-10-03T19:30:34+02:00 Máté Szabó <p>In the rapidly industrializing Hungary, the wood industry became an important economic branch in the country by the beginning of the 20th century, which also played a significant role in the country's foreign trade. This industry was extremely important in the area I studied, as the forest cover along the Dráva was above the national average, and the quality of the forest stock also had an international reputation. In the last third of the 19th century, domestic and foreign demand for wood products increased, which was accompanied by an increase in the purchase prices of wood raw materials. During this period, the logistical and transportation possibilities of the region improved, as the railway lines – built almost completely until the war – networked the region. In addition to transport on the river, crossing opportunities also increased, so the raw material could reach a processing unit more and more quickly. In the age of dualism, a strong stratum of forest owners and entrepreneurs in the wood industry developed. In my study I present the larger wood companies in the region, the results of the plants, the operation and extent of the industry, and their market relations. Major wood industry enterprises were established mainly in the larger estates (Bellye, Dárda, Barcs, Berzence) or through citizenship in the territory of certain large municipalities. Outstanding among these was the Beliscian plant beyond the Dráva, which in two decades had become the largest timber company in Central Europe, employing thousands of people.</p> 2023-01-04T00:00:00+01:00 Copyright (c) 2022 Közép-Európai Közlemények A Newyork Kávéház vezetősége 1920-1936 között 2022-10-03T19:27:08+02:00 Sara Czina <p><strong><span data-contrast="auto">The purpose of the study:</span></strong><span data-contrast="auto"> To examine how the Newyork Coffeehouse was run between 1920 and 1936. What were Vilmos Tarján’s, the executive board member and main shareholder’s, business policies? What profile did he intend for the Coffeehouse? In this period, between the two World Wars the Coffeehouses were struggling with the circumstances. What were the Coffeehouse’s solutions for the post-World War challenges and the problems of the Great Depression?</span><span data-ccp-props="{&quot;201341983&quot;:0,&quot;335551550&quot;:6,&quot;335551620&quot;:6,&quot;335559685&quot;:-142,&quot;335559739&quot;:160,&quot;335559740&quot;:240}"> <br /></span><strong><span data-contrast="auto">Applied methods:</span></strong><span data-contrast="auto"> To get to know the Newyork Coffeehouse Company Limited, the sources were the documents of the Company Registry. These helped to reconstruct the list of the shareholders. The balance and profit loss accounts were used to examine the profitability of the Coffeehouse. The problems of the Coffeehouses in Budapest between 1920 and 1936 were examined through the articles of professional journals. Finally, to understand Vilmos Tarján’s aspirations, his own books and articles of the daily newspapers were used.</span><span data-ccp-props="{&quot;201341983&quot;:0,&quot;335551550&quot;:6,&quot;335551620&quot;:6,&quot;335559685&quot;:-142,&quot;335559739&quot;:160,&quot;335559740&quot;:240}"> <br /></span><strong><span data-contrast="auto">Outcomes: </span></strong><span data-contrast="auto">Vilmos Tarján wanted to turn the Newyork Coffeehouse into a luxurious, high-end Coffeehouse. In order to reach this goal, he renovated the interior, later refurbished and modernized it several times. In addition, he established one of the best kitchens in the city and engaged the audience with frequent performances and concerts. With these aspirations, he could solve the post-World War problems successfully. However, his skills and role in the associations of the industry were not enough to face the challenges that arose during the Great Depression. </span><span data-ccp-props="{&quot;201341983&quot;:0,&quot;335551550&quot;:6,&quot;335551620&quot;:6,&quot;335559685&quot;:-142,&quot;335559739&quot;:160,&quot;335559740&quot;:240}"> </span></p> 2023-01-04T00:00:00+01:00 Copyright (c) 2022 Közép-Európai Közlemények A felzárkózás eszközei az észak-alföldi határrégió kisvárosaiban 2022-10-03T16:35:45+02:00 Anna Horváth <p>In recent years, settlements that are able to be successful and competitive even in the changed economic conditions have appeared in an increasing number in backward regions. The starting points of this development can be the small towns of the Hungarian countryside, which are able to stand out from their environment in terms of institutions, infrastructure, and even culture, thereby creating micro-centers in their catchment area. In my thesis, I am looking for the answer to what role the small towns on the border areas of the Northern Great Plain, namely Fehérgyarmat, Kisvárda, Vásárosnamény and Záhony, play in the development of their catchment area. In order to explore this, I first analyze the current role of cities: what socio-economic characteristics can be observed, what kind of natural and built environment it has, and what cultural role each district center has. After that, I will analyze the situation of the cities from a tourism point of view, and finally I will examine the application activity more closely and draw conclusions about the tourism role of the cities.</p> 2023-01-04T00:00:00+01:00 Copyright (c) 2022 Közép-Európai Közlemények Tervek a galíciai határ kiigazítására 1941-1942-ben 2022-10-03T16:57:39+02:00 Lajos Olasz <p> </p> <p>In September 1941, the Hungarian military leadership proposed to the Germans the adjustment of the border line between Kárpátalja (Subcarpathian Ruthenia) and Galicia, the annexation of a narrow border strip to Hungary. He argued that this way is easier to prevent illegal migration, including the return of the Jewish population who came from Galicia and was then deported back there. On the other hand, border protection would be strengthened in case a Ukrainian state were to be established in Galicia. Hitler agreed to hand over the territory in exchange for the participation of Hungarian troops in the war. However, the various German authorities, the General-Government, the SS, the Reich Security Main Office, the Ministry of the Occupied Eastern Territories, did not want to hand over this economically valuable area. During the negotiations, they tried to persuade the Hungarians to voluntarily renounce the border adjustment. In fact, the Hungarian government did not want this area either, because it was outside the borders of the Sate of Saint Stephen. Therefore, he postponed the continuation of negotiations until the end of the war.</p> <p>1941 szeptemberében a magyar katonai vezetés javaslatot tett a németeknek a Kárpátalja és Galícia közötti határvonal kiigazítására, egy keskeny határmenti sáv Magyarországhoz csatolására. Azzal érvelt, hogy így könnyebb volt megakadályozni az illegális migrációt, ezen belül a Galíciából érkezett, majd oda visszatoloncolt zsidó lakosság visszatérését. Másrészt, így erősödhet a határvédelem, arra az esetre, ha Galíciában egy ukrán állam jönne létre. Hitler beleegyezett a terület átadásába, a magyar csapatok háborús részvételéért cserébe. A különböző német hatóságok, a Főkormányzóság, az SS, a Biztonsági Főhivatal, a Megszállt Keleti Területek Minisztériuma viszont nem akarták átadni ezt a gazdaságilag értékes területet. A tárgyalások során igyekeztek rávenni a magyarokat, hogy önként mondjanak le a határkiigazításról. Valójában a magyar kormány sem akarta ezt a területet, mert kívül esett a Szent István-i határokon. Ezért a tárgyalások folytatását a háború végére halasztotta.</p> 2023-01-04T00:00:00+01:00 Copyright (c) 2022 Közép-Európai Közlemények A magyar védelmi ipar újraépítése Trianon és 2010 után – a két világháború között zajló haderőfejlesztés és a Zrínyi Honvédelmi és Haderőfejlesztési Program összevetése 2022-10-03T16:53:22+02:00 Zoltán Tamás Szabó Gábor Forgó B. Levente Alpek <p>The article aims to provide a review about the main arguments regarding the Hungarian military development between the two world wars, and the Zrínyi National Defence and Force Development Program, which started in the 2010s and is still in progress. To highlight which goals and concepts they operate, what resources they are based on, and what economic and geopolitical consequences they create(d). Furthermore, we examine the state of the military and defense industry before the two military development programs, as well as the geopolitical situation and tensions surrounding the two military development programs and the main trends of the international defense industry, and we place the military development programs in relation to international trends.</p> <p>Due to the historical embedding of the topic and the consequences of the Trianon Peace Edict, we begin the study with a historical overview, in which we review the defense capabilities of the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy and especially the Kingdom of Hungary within. We will then briefly outline the background of the Hungarian collapse and the loss of the country after the First World War, as well as briefly deal with the National Army, which was the remainder of the nation's armed forces and formed the basis of the later Royal Hungarian Armed Forces, and the Hungarian free forces that succesfully fought for the referendum of Sopron to be held. We also deal in detail with the restrictions of the treaty of Trianon and the period of concealment (hiding of military hardware and units), which largely determined the conditions and starting position of the military development between the two world wars.</p> <p>Overall, it can be stated that the domestic military development program launched in the 1930s achieved significant results compared to the circumstances, but the rapid outbreak of the Second World War and the international environment did not favor it. International trends already showed an increase in defense spending from the beginning of the 1930s, which means that Hungary joined the trend with considerable delay. On the other hand, it currently seems that the announcement of the Zrínyi National Defence and Force Development Program preceded the upward trend in international defense spending by about five years. Indeed, defense spending in proportion to global GDP started to increase again from 2019, and the military development program of Germany has been announced in 2022.</p> <p>A tanulmány célja áttekinteni, hogy a két világháború között zajló magyar haderőfejlesztés, illetve a 2010-es években induló és ma is zajló Zrínyi Honvédelmi és Haderőfejlesztési Program milyen célrendszerrel és koncepciókkal operál, milyen erőforrásokra épül és milyen gazdaság- és geopolitikai következményeket teremt. Továbbá megvizsgáljuk a haderő és védelmi ipar állapotát a két haderőfejlesztési program előtt, valamint a két program körüli geopolitkai helyzetet és a nemzetközi védelmi ipari trendeket és elhelyezzük a haderőfejlesztési programokat a nemzetközi trendek viszonylatában.</p> <p>A téma történelmi beágyazottsága és a trianoni békediktátum máig ható következményei miatt a tanulmányt egy történelmi áttekintéssel kezdjük, amelyben az Osztrák-Magyar Monarchia és azon belül a Magyar Királyság védelmi képességeit tekintjük át. Majd röviden felvázoljuk az első világháború utáni magyar összeomlás és az ország elvesztésének a hátterét, valamint röviden foglalkozunk a nemzet fegyveres erejének maradékát jelentő és a későbbi Magyar Királyi Honvédség alapját képező Nemzeti Hadsereggel és a soproni népszavazást kiharcoló magyar szabadcsapatokkal. A két világháború közötti haderőfejlesztés feltételeit és kiindulási pozícióját nagyban meghatározó trianoni korlátozásokkal és a rejtés időszakával is részletesen foglalkozunk.</p> <p>Összességében elmondható, hogy az 1930-as években induló hazai haderőfejlesztési program a körülményekhez képest jelentős eredményeket ért el, azonban a második világháború gyors kitörése és a nemzetközi környezet nem kedvezett neki. A nemzetközi trendek ugyanis már az 1930-as évek elejétől a védelmi kiadások emelkedését mutatták, vagyis Magyarország jelentős késéssel csatlakozott a trendhez. Ezzel szemben, jelenleg úgy tűnik, a Zrínyi Honvédelmi és Haderőfejlesztési Program meghirdetése mintegy öt évvel megelőzte a nemzetközi védelmi kiadások emelkedő trendre történő fordulását. A globális GDP-arányos védelmi kiadások ugyanis 2019-től kezdtek újra növekedni, a német haderőfejlesztési programot pedig 2022-ben hirdették meg.</p> 2023-01-04T00:00:00+01:00 Copyright (c) 2022 Közép-Európai Közlemények