How are consumers influenced by gender stereotypes of food advertisements? = Hogyan befolyásolják az élelmiszer reklámokban alkalmazott nemi sztereotípiák a fogyasztókat?

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Haile Versavel Tecleab


This paper aims at analyzing the stereotype of certain foods being associated with gender. It discusses how consumers are influenced by gender-specific food marketing. Food is gender-neutral, however, what we consume is heavily gendered. Food advertisers have conditioned us to think that salad is for women and steak is for men. Commercials have resulted in gender-segregated eating culture and bias in gender role distribution. If we really realize it, food advertising influences our choices and preference of food. It affects our role in the society telling us how to act and what to eat. This paper is developed based on a review of the literature on how food industries in developed countries use product package and advertisings (mostly commercials) as a tool to target their market and influence consumers’ preference of foods in relation to gender. Based on the analysis it was concluded that no matter how gender-neutral food is, advertisers brainwash consumers into thinking that food is gender-segregated. Despite the changes towards greater gender equality, food advertisers are still portraying gender in very “traditional” ways. Women are shown as a stay at home mom and men as an independent or working husband. Advertisers create gender stereotypes and use them to their advantage to sell as many products as possible. This paper is believed to give an insight into further research in the area.

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Hogyan kell idézni
Tecleab, Haile Versavel. 2018. „How Are Consumers Influenced by Gender Stereotypes of Food Advertisements? = Hogyan befolyásolják Az élelmiszer reklámokban Alkalmazott Nemi sztereotípiák a fogyasztókat?”. Köztes-Európa 10 (1):95-104.
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