Gabriellakeczergabriella@gmail.comOpen Journal Systems<p>A Taylor Gazdálkodás- és Szervezéstudományi Folyóirat a 2009-ben alapított Virtuális Intézet Közép-Európa Kutatására Közleményei egyik jogutódja. 2014 óta a jelenlegi címmel, kifejezetten vezetéstudományi és gazdálkodástudományi profillal jelenik meg évente négy alkalommal. A folyóiratba a szerkesztőség kettős lektorálás után fogad be új kutatási eredményeket bemutató, elsőközléses tanulmányokat magyar és angol nyelven.</p> erőforrás menedzsment az ipar 4.0 korában2024-05-21T10:43:37+02:00Kornélia Lazányiojs@ek.szte.huDiána Szű<p>Organisations in the 21st century face a number of new challenges. Not only is the pace of environmental change is increasing, but the environment itself is becoming more complex. Moreover, in addition to the material world, with the advent of Industry 4.0, cyberspace has also become a scene of competition between companies. Additionally, most organisations have to serve such a wide range of employee expectations that a manager on his/her own is no longer able to manage employees individually, and it is difficult to imagine creating systems that are regulated and people-centered, structured and flexible at the same time corresponding to the very complexity of the needs. Responding to the challenges requires that the organisation somewhat divides the burdens that was often placed exclusively on managers between the manager and the human resource unit (department, group, HR manager). In this sense, in modern organisations, not only the leader (group of leaders) but also the organisation’s human resource management practice of recruiting, selecting, evaluating, and rewarding / developing organisational members is the key to corporate success.</p>2024-05-10T00:00:00+02:00Copyright (c) 2024ődések vonzásában – jellemző-e a munkaszerződés a sportszektorban?2024-05-21T11:06:24+02:00Zsuzsanna Gősiojs@ek.szte.huMárton<p>In recent decades, both the labor market and the sports sector have undergone significant changes. Traditional forms of work have been replaced by more flexible options. The needs of both workers and employers have changed. Atypical forms of work have thus become increasingly common. The sports sector has become a driving sector of the economy and the number of people working in it is steadily increasing. The diversity of sports organizations and the specificity of sporting events are giving even more prominence to special forms of work. Fixed-term contracts are common thanks to the funding system. These are not only employment contracts but also contracts of assignment. Sports federations, sports associations and sports enterprises all use atypical forms. Specific forms were examined in the case of top league handball clubs through document analysis. The data reflected our preliminary assumptions that fixed-term contracts are dominant in the sector.</p>2024-05-10T00:00:00+02:00Copyright (c) 2024 ipar 4.0 és a digitalizáció munkaerőpiaci hatásai2024-05-21T11:25:01+02:00Imola Csehné Dr. Pappojs@ek.szte.huSusanna<p>The focus of the research is to analyse the impact of the ongoing, unstoppable Industry 4.0 on the labour market, specifically from the perspective of white- and blue-collar workers, through a review of the literature. The relevance of presenting the theoretical background is provided by the changing labour market requirements that can be observed in the change of work contents and consequently in the transformation of competence and skill requirements. The research and literature review shows that white-collar workers appear to be more optimistic and open to the changes introduced by Industry 4.0, while blue-collar workers are less familiar with new technologies and find it more difficult to adapt to innovations; on the other hand, many intellectual activities can be automated by machines or software.</p>2024-05-10T00:00:00+02:00Copyright (c) 2024ői kihívások a társasági adórendszeren keresztül történő támogatások tükrében2024-05-21T11:41:03+02:00István Attila Kovácsojs@ek.szte.huZsuzsanna Gő<p>One of the most unique forms of support in Hungarian sport is through the corporate tax system. Companies have the possibility to transfer part of the tax directly to the sports organisations. The recipient sports organisations must provide details of the use made of the support received. The scheme has been operational since 2011. During this period, the managers of sports organisations have faced a number of challenges. To receive the grant, a sports organisation must prepare a development programme or find a company willing to support it. Research shows that this is a very difficult task for smaller clubs in rural areas. Managers have to keep a constant eye on the changing legal environment, as changes are made every year. In addition to subsidies, there is a need to secure a co-payment, which is a difficulty for facility development projects. Some of the costs of the organisations cannot be financed from the TAO grant. Since the introduction of the scheme, the proportion of sponsorship contracts has been much lower. Overall, the grant scheme has helped the sports sector a lot. However, sport managers have constantly faced new challenges.</p>2024-05-10T00:00:00+02:00Copyright (c) 2024Új jelenségek és kihívások a HR-ben. 2024-05-21T12:53:45+02:00Lilla Éva Tamá<p>This paper reviews the current changes and emerging issues in the field of organisational sustainability and the possible HR responses and solutions to them. A selection is taken from the national and international literature on the relationship between green human resource management (GHRM) and corporate sustainability for the period 2020-2023. The paper provides a brief overview of the concept of corporate sustainability and how climate change has triggered processes in the economy and business thinking. Green HRM applies a broad range of approaches, methods and processes that support the spread and strengthening of ecological thinking in the life of organisations. The paper provides an overview of how to continue to apply the tools and methods long known and used in strategic HR management and how to incorporate new elements to achieve a green approach. It also makes suggestions on what changes and improvements are needed to make HR management a strategic partner in leading organisations towards sustainability.</p>2024-05-10T00:00:00+02:00Copyright (c) 2024 munkavállalói elégedettség és a sport-, egészségnevelést célzó belső CSR akciók kapcsolata2024-05-23T08:18:48+02:00Norbert Ákos Zsemberyojs@ek.szte.huZsuzsanna Gő<p>In many industries, the globalising world and technological advances have enabled unrestricted labour flows, making the creation and maintenance of employee satisfaction one of the biggest challenges of modern HR. Employees are now expressing a strong demand for responsible corporate behaviour, for their organisations to look after them beyond their legal obligations. Managers have therefore had to meet the needs of colleagues without compromising organisational objectives. This brings us to CSR as we know it today, including sport and health promotion. These programmes serve a dual purpose. On the one hand, they improve the mental and physical well-being of the individual, which subsequently contributes, directly or indirectly, to the success of the company. In our country, too, more and more large companies and SMEs are recognising this trend and are adapting their internal CSR programmes year by year to the challenges of the times. In this article, we have conducted a document analysis comparing the views of the literature and CSR standards with the sports and health-focused actions of three of Hungary’s largest employers.</p>2024-05-10T00:00:00+02:00Copyright (c) 2024 koreai humán erőforrás gazdálkodás alapja: az oktatás, az óvodától a duális képzésig2024-05-23T08:46:27+02:00Enikő Turcsányiojs@ek.szte.huLászló Gulyá<p>Today, Korea is one of the most developed economies in the world, and even one of the most innovative countries. We believe that one of the key factors in Korea’s rise is its highly skilled workforce. We believe that one of the key factors in Korea’s rise is its highly skilled workforce. In our study, we try to explore the structure and characteristics of Korean education. Our study is structured in four parts. In the first part, we present the traditional role of education in Korea. In the second part, we outline the current structure and characteristics of Korean public education. While in the third part, we present how the dual work-study system works in Korea. In the fourth part, we describe the so-called operating outside the public education system. operation of „hagwons”.</p>2024-05-10T00:00:00+02:00Copyright (c) 2024óság a sportmenedzsmentben2024-05-23T09:04:50+02:00Beatrix Faragó<p>The importance of the relationship between sports events and sustainability is increasingly recognized and investigated within the scientific community, as growing attention is directed towards ensuring that sports events not only promote competition but also encourage sustainable development. The aim of the study is to present the sustainability management of domestic sports events as a best practice, with particular attention to the consideration of the United Nations’ sustainable development principles. The research employs secondary research methods, including a literature review on the interconnections between sports and sustainability, as well as an analysis of the sustainability regulations and statutes of sports federations. Furthermore, local sports events are presented as case studies of best practices in sustainability management. The results indicate that international sports federations are progressively adopting the United Nations’ sustainable development principles, and several sports federations are engaging in the organization of sustainable sports events, extending this activity to their member organizations. Based on these best practices, it can be inferred that sustainable sports events are becoming increasingly inherent to the nature of sports events, thereby contributing to social and environmental sustainability.</p>2024-05-10T00:00:00+02:00Copyright (c) 2024