Munkavállalók fizikai állapot felmérésének tapasztalatai a kkv szektorban


Éva Bácsné Bába
György Szabados
Tamás Madarász


The personal and organizational well-being of employees is the most important guarantee of a healthy workforce. Ensuring a healthy workforce and retain all became not only individual but an organizational interest. In our research we have analyzed the fitness status of the Hungarian small and medium-sized enterprises’ employees using a small sample in order to support workplace well-being activities. We have found that the examined group of employees perform physical activity related exercise, but it does not mean most of them do perform a regular sport activity. The lack of sporting activity is mainly a result of lack of time, and it was also revealed that 26% of the respondents work more than 8 hours daily, which may be a partial explanation for the lack of sport. We have also revealed that 70% of the respondents have felt some kind of physical activity support provided by the workplace. These kind of incentives are mainly associated with the national cafeteria system.


Hogyan kell idézni
Bácsné Bába, Éva, György Szabados, és Tamás Madarász. 2017. „Munkavállalók Fizikai állapot felmérésének Tapasztalatai a Kkv Szektorban”. TAYLOR 9 (2):179-87.
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