Énhatékonyság-elvárás mérése magyar vállalkozók reprezentatív mintáján


Gergely Farkas
Éva Málovics


The construct of self-efficiency expectation from Albert Bandura is a proxy of willingness for innovation according to the literature. We measured it on a representative sample of Hungarian entrepreneurs. It was a part of a larger omnibus study at the University of Szeged. The survey was conducted by the Central Statistical Office of Hungary (KSH). The sample is representative regarding to regional distribution and number of employees of Hungarian firms. Our study compares the sole proprietorships and partnerships, furthermore the family and non-family businesses. According to the results, the selfefficiency expectation of entrepreneurs is higher than the average in the population of Hungary. This emphasizes that low innovation performance in general is not because of the personality of Hungarian entrepreneurs. Secondly, there is no difference between leaders of firms with different type or size. The equality is important especially from the viewpoint of family businesses. It disproves the so-called family business oxymoron: they avoid risk and they do not innovate but we call them entrepreneurs.


Hogyan kell idézni
Farkas, Gergely, és Éva Málovics. 2017. „Énhatékonyság-elvárás mérése Magyar vállalkozók reprezentatív mintáján”. TAYLOR 9 (2):161-67. https://iskolakultura.hu/index.php/taylor/article/view/13113.
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