A közvetlen tejautomatás értékesítés és a közösségi agrármarketing lehetőségei a tejkvóta kivezetését követően


Imre Szűcs
Anna Vizkeleti


Current milk production of the European Union is about 150 million tons and there is no sign of the global expansion. At the same time the 2015 abandoning of the milk quota can lead to not only a highly competitive market, but also can entirely rearrange Europe’s “dairy sector map” and expansion of production is projected. Before abandoning the milk quota, purchase prices have decreased significantly and even after the abandoning they haven’t started to grow. Small scale dairy farms usually sell milk to collectors therefore decreasing purchase prices affect them negatively. Direct distribution channels such as using milk vending machines could be an escape route. Several marketing tools are able to locate the ideal position of a machine. Furthermore, community agricultural marketing could help by positioning the purchases through milk vending machines. These tools are quite important for small scale dairy farms because farmers don’t need to carry out marketing activities individually but they can enter into partnership with eachother.


Hogyan kell idézni
Szűcs, Imre, és Anna Vizkeleti. 2016. „A közvetlen tejautomatás értékesítés és a közösségi agrármarketing lehetőségei a tejkvóta kivezetését követően”. TAYLOR 8 (4):123-31. https://iskolakultura.hu/index.php/taylor/article/view/13046.
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