Management decisions in the field of integrity-based human resource management within public administration


Gábor Krauss


Strengthening integrity within public administration has been emphasized for decades in the administrative and political agenda of numerous countries in the European Union. The background of this is the stronger and stronger belief - that was also declared in Programme Magyary - that integrity is the basic pillar of good governance and the prerequisite of all other functions of the government to be legitimate, trustworthy and also efficient (MP 11.0 p 38.; MP 12.0 p 5.). In the same time it is an important question how the introduced integrity systems in public administration relates to human resource management and what roles the leaders of public administration can have in founding and maintaining an integrity based organizational function. In order to answer the question, this study will shortly describe the role of integrity within public administration and human resource management and it will also separately deal with the responsibility of the managers and the credibility of the employer.


Hogyan kell idézni
Krauss, Gábor. 2016. „Management Decisions in the Field of Integrity-Based Human Resource Management Within Public Administration”. TAYLOR 8 (2):129-36.
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