Elvárások és realitások a munka világában = Expectations and realities in the working world


Imola Csehné Papp


On the basis on survey experiences, it seems that the young people have
unrealistic conception about the labour market, when they finish the school. The
optimal situation would be if schools knew up-to-date, current requirements of the
labour market and what professionals to train. The aim of the study is to research
of employability, careerplanning and employees' attitudes. Another purphose of the study is to explore and introduce the students expectation towards their future job finding. According to the hypothesis, the structural unemployment determins the job expectations, in wich probably we can find the regional differences. The survey shows the respondents labour market expectation, regarding the job finding time, the paiment, and position, are too optimistic. We found that low mobility willignes is also characteristic.


Hogyan kell idézni
Csehné Papp, Imola. 2016. „Elvárások és realitások a Munka világában = Expectations and Realities in the Working World”. TAYLOR 8 (2):5-10. https://iskolakultura.hu/index.php/taylor/article/view/12996.
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