Ismeri ön a munkaerőpiacot?


Imola Csehné Papp


The Hungarian economy went into a deep crisis after 1990. It became obvious that the structure of the economy built during the socialism was not competitive in joining the world economy. It was accompanied by business closures, and high and continuous unemployment. In a consequence of all these the standard of living decreased and social differences started to grow. The public opinion had to face unemployment as a concept with which "one has to live together". The objective of the study is to map the informedness of adult Hungarian population on the current situation of the Hungarian labour market 20 years after the appearance of unemployment. On the basis of the hypothesises the Hungarian population is familiar with the ratio of unemployment, as well as the employment policy institutions and measures, but their knowledge on the structure of unemployment is incomplete. A questionnaire was filled in by economically active adults, altogether 300 persons, during 2010. The ratio of female and male, and the age distribution of the respondents also reflects the distribution of the Hungarian population. The investigation reveals that the knowledge of adults is satisfactory as regards labour market and employment policy, in some questions their knowledge is incomplete or incorrect. Their responses support the necessity of launching a new course - labour market skills.


Hogyan kell idézni
Csehné Papp, Imola. 2014. „Ismeri ön a munkaerőpiacot?”. TAYLOR 6 (1-2):269-78.