Fogyatékos munkavállalók beillesztésének elősegítése, különös tekintettel az érzékenyítő tréningekre
The state uses different tools to try to promote the employment of people with disabilities but the key to the practical success of the legislative regulations and the programs promoting (re)integration in my opinion lies in the approach of the owner leader and the human resource expert. The rules which are often perceived as coercions, due to the rehabilitation contribution considered as quotas, the organisations take on the employment of disabled people however, they do not put any emphasis on the actual fitting in of them into their organisations. This is not necessarily due to the fact that they do not consider this task important but because they do not know how to begin. Based on the results of the questionnaire answered by 458 people from 117 organisations we can state that the judgement on factors influencing the fitting in of disabled people trainings show a relatively low average value. Though my interviewing experiences prove that several leaders do not know the phrase „sensitizing training" and its content, aim and significance in fitting in the disabled. Besides describing the factors influencing the fitting in of the disabled employees the article also sheds light on the peculiarities and significance of the sensitizing trainings.
Hogyan kell idézni
Dajnoki, Krisztina. 2014. „Fogyatékos munkavállalók beillesztésének elősegítése, különös Tekintettel Az érzékenyítő tréningekre”. TAYLOR 6 (1-2):157-67.
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