Environmentally friendly nutrient supply of maize

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Péter Jakab
Piroska Nagy
István Kristó


We examined the effect of foliar fertilization on the yield of maize hybrids in 2013. The experiment was set
in three repetitions, random blocks on an ecological farm. The soil of the experiment was chernozem. Soil
analysis data showed that it had proper nitrogen, plenty phosphor and very good potassium content. During
the experiment we applied two times foliar fertilization in 5-5 l/ha dosage. The year 2013 was unfavourable
for maize production. In 2013 the amount of precipitation in the graining phase of maize was lower by 59
mm than the average. The yield of the control plots ranged between 9.9-11.8 t/ha, the yields of the foliar
fertilization plots ranged between 10.3-11.47 t/ha. There were not significant differences between the average
yields of control and foliar fertilization plots. By the application of foliar fertilization the yield fluctuation
decreased. Factual conclusion can be drawn only after the results of several years, we wish to continue our

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How to Cite
Jakab, Péter, Piroska Nagy, and István Kristó. 2014. “Environmentally Friendly Nutrient Supply of Maize”. Review on Agriculture and Rural Development 3 (1):320-23. https://iskolakultura.hu/index.php/rard/article/view/13442.