Angol nyelv tanítása drámajátékok segítségévei Avagy játsszunk drámát angolórán!

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Belejszki Nevenka


I strongly believe that incorporating methods and techniques of Drama Education in a school English language programme in the early stages will contribute to better teaching and learning English. As the English language department we are seeking ways of applying changes in the practice of foreign language learning by rethinking the selection and delivery of educational content. Drama stimulates creativity, imagination, it alsó improves students' self-asteem and self-confidence as they perform in front of the audience. The most important aim of drama used in education is overall development of a personal and social aspect of learner's personality. Methods and techniques of Drama Education are particulary useful for the foreign language teaching because they give students the opportunity for natural communication in a meaningful context. I am alsó looking at somé practical issues concerning classroom activities; such as how will involving drama games into a learning process help students read fairy tales in English.

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Hogyan kell idézni
Belejszki, N. (2016). Angol nyelv tanítása drámajátékok segítségévei: Avagy játsszunk drámát angolórán!. Módszertani Közlemények, 56(1), 1–9. Elérés forrás
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