"Szól a rádió" A Kölcsey Ferenc Református Gyakorló Általános Iskola rádiója

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Bajiné Takács Margit


The radio of Ferenc Kolcsey Reformed Practice Primary School has been operating since 2006 within the current framework. It broadcasts a new programme every Thursday morning. All 14 of the upper primary students involved with creating new content for the radio have different responsibilities. Consequently, there are reporters, announcers and newsreaders. The teams work individually, and they give account of the work they have performed during a meeting which is held every Wednesday. The radio editing is per­formed by two adults: by the recreation organizer and by me as a teacher librarian. The radio operates as a closed circuit radio, however, past broadcasts are available on the school’s website, www.kistk.hu.The programme structure of the school radio is as follows: signal, greeting, news, cur­rent affairs, school life, world days, music, reports, sharing experiences, summaries, game, programme closing.Everyone can hear the performance of the radio team, there are about 30 broadcasts on a yearly basis.The radio successfully submits tenders for calls published by the Association of Stu­dent Journalists. In 2007 and 2011 it came 3rd.The present written work focuses on sharing experiences concerning creating radio teams, organizing community activities, editing radio programmes, creating new content for the radio based on an annual work plan.

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Hogyan kell idézni
Bajiné Takács, M. (2016). "Szól a rádió": A Kölcsey Ferenc Református Gyakorló Általános Iskola rádiója. Módszertani Közlemények, 56(4), 1–6. Elérés forrás https://iskolakultura.hu/index.php/modszertani-kozlemenyek/article/view/35480
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