Drámapedagógiai módszerek alkalmazása az iskolai konfliktusok megelőzésében

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Csilla Tóth-Kocsis


In present times, there is a growing need in the Hungárián school system for institutional strategies in the management and prevention of aggression in schools. In the teacher traíning primary school of the University of Szeged, drama-based pedagogical methods were developed for preventing several kinds of aggression present in schools or resulting from conflicts in schools. In this paper, the application of drama-based pedagogical methods is presented for conflict management and the prevention of aggression in school. Exercises and dráma games are described, which are useful for teachers in managing student aggression effec-tively.

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Hogyan kell idézni
Tóth-Kocsis, C. (2017). Drámapedagógiai módszerek alkalmazása az iskolai konfliktusok megelőzésében. Módszertani Közlemények, 57(3), 36–45. Elérés forrás https://iskolakultura.hu/index.php/modszertani-kozlemenyek/article/view/35476
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