Iskolára hangolás játékkal, drámajátékkal

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Molnár Erika


Games which essence lies not in the objects play an important role in a child’s life. When children start school they already have some knowledge about their direct and wider environment, their learning experience is expanding. We must bear in mind that the nursery school students are confident, independent and we must not turn them into exhausted, uncertain primary school ones. This age group is very active, playful; their attention is engaged only by interesting things. Within the framework of institutionalized learning drama games can be used to actively involve lower primary school students in learning.

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Hogyan kell idézni
Molnár, E. (2018). Iskolára hangolás játékkal, drámajátékkal. Módszertani Közlemények, 58(3), 23–26. Elérés forrás
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