Études sur la Région Méditerranéenne https://iskolakultura.hu/index.php/mediterran_tanulmanyok <p>The annual Mediterrán Tanulmányok [Journal of Mediterranean Studies] covers mainly the historical problems of the wider Mediterranean region (North Africa, the Ottoman Empire, the Balkans, the Middle East), and the region's relations with other parts of the world, from the modern age to the present day (16- 21st century). The published articles are expected not to be written in Hungarian.</p> fr-CA jnagy@hist.u-szeged.hu (J. Nagy László) ferwagner@hist.u-szeged.hu (Ferwagner Péter Ákos) Mon, 23 Sep 2024 16:39:54 +0200 OJS http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/tech/rss 60 La spedizione in Bosnia del principe Eugenio di Savoia, 1697 https://iskolakultura.hu/index.php/mediterran_tanulmanyok/article/view/45960 <p>After the conclusion of the victorious Zenta campaign, Prince Eugene of Savoy, unable to conquer Temesvár, organized a raid in the heart of Bosnia, even as far as the capital Sarajevo, a rich merchant city. The Bosnian expedition is described on the basis of various narrative and documentary sources. Prince Eugene personally led his expeditionary force with 4,000 of his best cavalry, 2,000-2,500 elite foot soldiers, 12 field guns, two mortars. He was accompanied by some of his best senior officers such as Count Guido von Starhemberg and Prince Charles of Lorraine-Commercy; he had entrusted the command of the vanguard to Colonel Kyba, who knew the area well, having served for a long time in the border militias. To distract the attention of the Turks from Bosnia, Eugene had commissioned the cavalry general Jean-Louis Rabutin de Bussy to make frequent diversions in the direction of Temesvár and along the Danube. The expedition lasted from 6 October 1697, when the prince left Eszék (Osijek), until 8 November, the day of his return to his starting point. During the expedition the prince traveled the country more or less along the Bosna River, crossing plains, narrow gorges, high and steep mountains, took a few castles, some of which put up resistance, and finally burned down the city of Sarajevo, the main square of the country, because the Turks had not respected the customs of war at the time: they had killed a messenger of the prince and seriously wounded another, who had gone to them to order surrender. The Christian people residing there welcomed the imperials lovingly, supplying them with food, and many of them joined Eugene’s troops following him back home. The intense cold and the early snow made the return journey particularly difficult.</p> Gizella Nemeth, Adriano Papo (c) Tous droits réservés 2024 https://iskolakultura.hu/index.php/mediterran_tanulmanyok/article/view/45960 Mon, 23 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0200 Le imprese del generale Jean-Louis Rabutin de Bussy lungo il Danubio, 1697 https://iskolakultura.hu/index.php/mediterran_tanulmanyok/article/view/45961 <p>Once the battle of Zenta (Senta, now in Serbia) was concluded (September 11th, 1697), where the Ottomans made up for a disastrous defeat from the imperial army of Eugene of Savoy, because of the impossibility of conquering Temesvár, also due to the now advanced autumn season, it was undertaken by the prince of Savoy a raid in the heart of Bosnia, which brought his army up to the rich merchant city of Sarajevo. Parallel to the Bosnian expedition, a diversion of the troops of cavalry general Jean-Louis Rabutin de Bussy took place against the Danube fortresses of Új-Palánka (Palanka) and Páncsova (Pančevo); the goal was to facilitate the raid in Bosnia, diverting the attention of the Ottomans from that front. The expedition began on 26 October 1697 starting from Déva, on the border between Transylvania and Banat; 3,000 horsemen, a body of the Rascian militia, six field artillery pieces and a mortar were part of it. The assault on Új-Palánka was scheduled for dawn on November 6th, 1697; momentarily suspended due to the arrival of some Turkish ships, from which a hundred men landed on the mainland as reinforcements for the garrison of the Turkish fort, it was resumed with continuous fire, vigorously opposed by the Turkish garrison. At this point the assault on the fort was carried out from another direction with the use of the reserve and took the besieged by surprise: the imperials opened a gap in the palisade with axes and entered the fort vehemently. Only a few Turks managed to save themselves, a lot of them was killed, or thrown into the Danube or taken prisoner. The news of the fall of Új-Palánka preceded the arrival of the imperials in Páncsova, which is why the Turkish garrison, frightened, burned everything and fled, leaving the artillery in place.</p> Gizella Nemeth, Adriano Papo (c) Tous droits réservés 2024 https://iskolakultura.hu/index.php/mediterran_tanulmanyok/article/view/45961 Mon, 23 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0200 The northern coast of the Black Sea as a “frontier” and its role in shaping the society in Ukrainian history in the 16-18th century https://iskolakultura.hu/index.php/mediterran_tanulmanyok/article/view/45962 <p>The most significant characteristic of the northern coast of the Black Sea as “southern steppe frontier” was that the mass resettlement of the population to the southern border zone, where a voluntary border guard system was established, was mainly due to state policy and the fact that the region lacked a permanently settled population. The emergence of Cossacks was the result of a frontier-like lifestyle that evolved on Eastern European steppes. From the late 15th century, along the Dnieper, Volga and Don Rivers, in the southern borderlands, a unique community of free Cossacks was born, establishing a military democracy. To a certain extent, Cossacks could be considered a mobile frontier community with the same rights as the rest of the society. The three main differences between these Black Sea and the American frontier are: 1. The populating process taking place in the northern basin of the Black Sea from the beginning of the 16th century preceded the military takeover of the region; 2. the feudal system prevailed in the region; and 3. at the end of the 18th century, the region lost its restricted autonomy.</p> Beáta Varga (c) Tous droits réservés 2024 https://iskolakultura.hu/index.php/mediterran_tanulmanyok/article/view/45962 Mon, 23 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0200 Entrée en guerre de l’Empire ottoman aux côtés des Puissances centrales (1914) https://iskolakultura.hu/index.php/mediterran_tanulmanyok/article/view/45963 Péter Ákos Ferwagner (c) Tous droits réservés 2024 https://iskolakultura.hu/index.php/mediterran_tanulmanyok/article/view/45963 Mon, 23 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0200 Unforgettable Moments: Ferenc Puskás and his Lasting Legacy in the Arab World https://iskolakultura.hu/index.php/mediterran_tanulmanyok/article/view/45964 <p>It is little known in Hungary that her National sporting icon Ferenc Puskás is still highly respected and admired in the Arab world. This recognition is due not only to his unparalleled footballing skills and remarkable performances with the Hungarian national team and Real Madrid, but also to his influential role as a coach in Egypt and Saudi Arabia. Throughout these activities, Puskás has consistently achieved remarkable performances within the confines of his era, which has contributed significantly to his esteemed reputation. The aim of this research is to provide a concise overview of Puskás’ career as a football star and the early stages of his coaching career. It also aims to cover the events and experiences he had during his time in Saudi Arabia and Egypt, which received considerable press coverage in the Arab media.</p> Zoltán Prantner, Abdel-ati Al-naggar Abdallah, Pál István (c) Tous droits réservés 2024 https://iskolakultura.hu/index.php/mediterran_tanulmanyok/article/view/45964 Mon, 23 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0200 Combattre l’héritage du passé colonial ? https://iskolakultura.hu/index.php/mediterran_tanulmanyok/article/view/45965 Zoltán Garadnai (c) Tous droits réservés 2024 https://iskolakultura.hu/index.php/mediterran_tanulmanyok/article/view/45965 Mon, 23 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0200 Compte-rendu https://iskolakultura.hu/index.php/mediterran_tanulmanyok/article/view/45966 László J. Nagy (c) Tous droits réservés 2024 https://iskolakultura.hu/index.php/mediterran_tanulmanyok/article/view/45966 Mon, 23 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0200