Sediment Dynamics in a Small, 2nd Order Urban River Awba Catchment, Ibadan, Nigeria

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Aderemi Adediji
Olutoyin A. Fashae


The sediment dynamics in a small 2nd order catchment of River Awba in the territory of the University of Ibadan, Nigeria was investigated between January and December 2012. The river was gauged by daily measurements of water level as well as sampling of water for determination of suspended sediment load. In this regard, apart from weekly sample, twelve (12) storm flow events which occurred during the day were sampled for determination of suspended sediment concentration. The results showed that during the storms the suspended sediment concentration varied between 636 mg/l in May and 3641.5 mg/l in September, with a mean of 2136.8 mg/l. Also, the value of monthly suspended sediment yield ranged from 10.85 kg in January to 288.4 kg in October with a mean of 89.5 kg. The variability in monthly sediment load closely followed the trend of monthly rainfall in the study area. However, in order to minimize the storm runoff and sediment load generated from the rainstorms events, the paved surfaces within the study catchment should be grassed with the planting of some few tree species. This could further reduce the rate of floods occurrence.


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Adediji, Aderemi, and Olutoyin A. Fashae. 2014. “Sediment Dynamics in a Small, 2nd Order Urban River Awba Catchment, Ibadan, Nigeria”. Journal of Environmental Geography 7 (1-2):23-28.


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