Ideas and mediums To the canonization of ‘The Tragedy of Man’

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György Eisemann


In the literature of Tragedy and its teaching, it is always primarily its so-called idealism and worldview that played an important role: the historical-philosophical-theological aspects, or in this connection, the so-called comparison with human poems (e.g., Faust). These are indispensable aspects, but simultaneously, the canonization of the work highlights with a particular force that its ideological depth alone does not explain its unparalleled success and its poetic quality cannot be separated from its transmission medium. For a long time, further explanation has not been required, as the content and the carrier, the message and the medium, are not separate worlds of culture. The Tragedy became part of the domestic and international literary canon precisely because its text - and its aesthetics – have travelled through various media channels as it has changed forms at the levels of artistic communication.


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How to Cite
Eisemann, G. (2024). Ideas and mediums: To the canonization of ‘The Tragedy of Man’. Iskolakultúra, 34(7), 23–29.
Tematikus blokk: Madách 200 – Az ember tragédiája az idők változásában. A Magyartanárok Egyesülete 2023. évi konferenciájának anyagából