Skandinávia a geopolitika térképén
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The next study examines the position of Northern European countries in the international arena and the geopolitical factors that determine the opportunities and geostrategies of the region. During the analysis I applied a multidisciplinary approach, considering results and aspects of geopolitics, international relations, history and geoeconomics. According to the findings of the research, the position of the Northern European states is controversial in many ways. Geographically they lie on the edge of Europe. At the same time, they were able to take advantage of this position with pragmatic politics. During their history, Denmark and Sweden have become major powers at regional and many times European level. Nowadays, the small Nordic welfare states have established an exemplary economic model, and their foreign policy is also successful, especially in the field of soft power. From Hungary’s point of view, they are often consider as example of economic structure, competitiveness, neutral and active foreign policy, and the products of Nordic culture are becoming widespread. For these reasons, it is important to know more detailed the position of the region in the international system; and the development model.