'You Better Be for Real:' The Making of the Radical Educator in John N. Smith’s Dangerous Minds

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Saba Amiri


The aim of this paper is to examine the educational concepts of two most well-known educationists, American philosopher and educational reformer John Dewey and British author, speaker, and educationist Ken Robinson, through the characters of John N. Smith’s film Dangerous Minds. The article surveys the means through which the educational themes of Dewey and Robinson appear in the film and aims to explain how these teaching ideas and practices inspire students to make positive changes in their extracurricular life by developing self-confidence and reaching success in their academic life as well. The article, however, does more than just examine these results; it also reveals the practice of making a radical educator.


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How to Cite
Amiri, Saba. 2022. “’You Better Be for Real:’ The Making of the Radical Educator in John N. Smith’s Dangerous Minds”. AMERICANA E-Journal of American Studies in Hungary 18 (1). https://iskolakultura.hu/index.php/americanaejournal/article/view/45485.
Author Biography

Saba Amiri, University of Szeged

Saba Amiri is a student at the University of Szeged, completing her BA program in American Studies. Despite having an architectural degree, she decided to pursue a career as a teacher. She began working with preschoolers and progressed through high school, gaining 13 years of experience in the process. As a bachelor student, her research interest is now focusing on the issues of progressive education as represented by contemporary visual culture, especially in American films. Email: Amirisaba600@gmail.com