The Fulbright Impact Study in the Academic Fields of Arts, Social Sciences and Natural Sciences in Hungary Between 1984 and 2011

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Csilla Kővári


The article analyzes with a quantitative survey the effects of the Fulbright mobility on the competences of the participants (researchers, lecturers, students, high school teachers and other participants of the Program) and the internationalization of Higher Education Institutions in Hungary in the period of 1984-2011 by discussing the effects of Fulbright mobility on individual skills and examining the impact of the Fulbright Program on the internationalization of Higher Education Institutions in Hungary.


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How to Cite
Kővári , Csilla. 2022. “The Fulbright Impact Study in the Academic Fields of Arts, Social Sciences and Natural Sciences in Hungary Between 1984 and 2011”. AMERICANA E-Journal of American Studies in Hungary 18 (1).
Author Biography

Csilla Kővári , Eötvös Loránd University, School of English and American Studies

Csilla Kővári obtained her MA in English Studies at the University of Szeged and is currently a PhD candidate at Eötvös Loránd University, School of English and American Studies. Her research interests include international relations, cultural diplomacy and the American international study programmes. As a high school teacher she coordinates international projects in her institution, and she can see the impact of the foreign relations on her institution, on the participating students and the teachers. Her doctoral research focuses on the American-Hungarian cultural diplomacy, especially through the international educational exchange programs, the impact of the Fulbright Program on the participants and their institutions. Email: