Review of The Forest and the EcoGothic

Main Article Content

Dániel Bagi


The Forest and the EcoGothic: The Deep Dark Woods in the Popular Imagination
Elizabeth Parker
2020. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan
ix+308 pages
ISBN 978-3-030-35153-3, 978-3-030-35154-0 (eBook)


Article Details

How to Cite
Bagi, Dániel. 2021. “Review of The Forest and the EcoGothic”. AMERICANA E-Journal of American Studies in Hungary 17 (1).
Author Biography

Dániel Bagi

Dániel Bagi is a second-year PhD student in the British and American Literatures and Cultures program at the University of Szeged, Hungary. His dissertation project focuses on the ecoGothic aspects of early-twentieth-century British weird fiction, including the work of Algernon Blackwood, Arthur Machen, and William Hope Hodgson. His MA thesis on occultism in Blackwood’s short stories was selected for Distiguished Szeged Student Papers 2020 (JATEPress, 2019) and two of his reviews were published in The ESSE Messenger (2020, Vol. 29-1 and 29-2). Email: