Review of Reading Through Theory. Studies in Theory-Framed Interpretation of the Literary Text

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Réka M. Cristian


Reading Through Theory. Studies in Theory-Framed Interpretation of the Literary Text
Enikő Bollobás
Eötvös University Press, Budapest, 2021.
274 pages
ISBN 978-963-489-297-7


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How to Cite
Cristian, Réka M. 2021. “Review of Reading Through Theory. Studies in Theory-Framed Interpretation of the Literary Text”. AMERICANA E-Journal of American Studies in Hungary 17 (1).
Author Biography

Réka M. Cristian

Réka M. Cristian is Associate Professor, Chair of the American Studies Department and co-chair of the Inter-American Research Center at the University of Szeged. She is author of Cultural Vistas and Sites of Identity: Literature, Film and American Studies (2011), co-author (with Zoltán Dragon) of Encounters of the Filmic Kind: Guidebook to Film Theories (2008) and general editor of AMERICANA E-Journal of American Studies in Hungary and its e-book division, AMERICANA eBooks. Her research interests include theories of American and inter-American studies, modern American literature and drama, film studies and the American film.