Lincoln's boys : the legacy of an American father and an American family

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Robert P. Watson
Dale Berger


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How to Cite
Watson, Robert P., and Dale Berger. 2010. “Lincoln’s Boys : The Legacy of an American Father and an American Family”. AMERICANA E-Journal of American Studies in Hungary 6 (1).
Author Biographies

Robert P. Watson

Robert P. Watson, Ph.D. has published nearly 30 books and hundreds of scholarly articles, chapters, and essays on American politics and history, and is a frequent media commentator appearing on numerous American and international television, print, and radio outlets. He runs the American Studies program at Lynn University in the USA. Email:

Dale Berger

Dale Berger teaches advanced U.S. history and government at Sheridan Hills Christian School in Florida. He holds a B.A. in Political Science with a minor in U.S. History and a M.A. in Political Science from Florida Atlantic University. Berger served as an intern at the Dwight D. Eisenhower Presidential Library, presented a paper at the “James and Dolley Madison” conference hosted by the International Lincoln Center for American Studies at Louisiana State University, and has published papers with the Eisenhower Institute, the journal The Lincoln Herald, and in the book Creative Breakthroughs in Leadership (Pencraft International). Email: