Pragmatism and circumvention : Richard Rorty's rhetorical appropriation of Jacques Derrida

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Péter Csató


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How to Cite
Csató, Péter. 2012. “Pragmatism and Circumvention : Richard Rorty’s Rhetorical Appropriation of Jacques Derrida”. AMERICANA E-Journal of American Studies in Hungary 8 (2).
Author Biography

Péter Csató

Péter Csató is Junior Lecturer at the North American Department of the Institute of English and American Studies at the University of Debrecen. He earned his Ph.D. degree in 2009 for his thesis on the rhetorical aspects of Richard Rorty’s metaphilosophy and political thought. His academic interests include contemporary American prose fiction, theories of interpretation, post-structuralist theory/criticism, and American philosophy, with special emphasis on New Pragmatism. Email: