Review of Diana C. Gill's How we are changed by War

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Zoltán Cora


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How to Cite
Cora, Zoltán. 2013. “Review of Diana C. Gill’s How We Are Changed by War”. AMERICANA E-Journal of American Studies in Hungary 9 (1).
Author Biography

Zoltán Cora

Zoltan Cora is an Assistant Professor at the Institute of English and American Studies, Faculty of Arts, University of Szeged, Hungary. His main areas of research are 19th–20th British and Hungarian social history, especially the interwar period (1918-1939), as well as classical and modern aesthetics with a focus on the sublime. His publications cover these areas. Among several research projects, he participates in the Comparative History Project organised by the Central European University, Pasts Inc., and he has recently been one of the organisers of the International Conference on Terror(ism) and Aesthetics hosted by the University of Szeged. In 2011 he defended his PhD dissertation entitled “A szociálpolitika válaszútjai Magyarországon: A mintakövetés lehetőségei és kényszerei (1938-1950)” [Hungarian social policy at crossroads: possibilities and necessities of pattern finding (1938-1950)]. He is currently working on the publication of his PhD dissertation as a monograph. Email: