Privy to both worlds : the meeting of languages in Louise Erdrich's Love medicine

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Zsófia Gregor


This essay was written under the guidance of Profesor Enikő Bollobás, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest.


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How to Cite
Gregor, Zsófia. 2013. “Privy to Both Worlds : The Meeting of Languages in Louise Erdrich’s Love Medicine”. AMERICANA E-Journal of American Studies in Hungary 9 (1).
Author Biography

Zsófia Gregor

Zsófia Gregor earned a Masters degree in American Studies at Eötvös Loránd University in 2013. The article featured here is an abridged version of her thesis, the goal of which was to investigate the relationship between Western and Native American Chippewa culture in Louise Erdrich’s Love Medicine. Email: