A review of Presences and absences – transdisciplinary essays

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Anna Kérchy


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How to Cite
Kérchy, Anna. 2013. “A Review of Presences and Absences – Transdisciplinary Essays”. AMERICANA E-Journal of American Studies in Hungary 9 (2). https://iskolakultura.hu/index.php/americanaejournal/article/view/45192.
Author Biography

Anna Kérchy

Anna Kérchy is a Senior Assistant Professor at the Institute of English and American Studies, University of Szeged, Hungary. She has a PhD in Literature from Szeged University and a DEA in Semiology from Université Paris 7. Her research interests include intermedial cultural representations, the post-semiotics of the embodied subject, interfacings of Victorian and postmodern fantastic imagination, gender studies, women’s art, and children’s literature. She authored a book on Angela Carter’s body-texts, and (co)edited collections on postmodern reinterpretations of fairy tales, the literary fantastic, the iconology of law and order, and the cultural history of Continental European freak shows. Email: akerchy@hotmail.com