Encountering the father in Arthur L. Kopit's Oh dad, poor dad, mamma's hung you in the closet and I'm feelin' so sad : a pseudoclassical tragifarce in a bastard French tradition

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Márta Ótott


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How to Cite
Ótott, Márta. 2013. “Encountering the Father in Arthur L. Kopit’s Oh Dad, Poor Dad, mamma’s Hung You in the Closet and I’m feelin’ so Sad : A Pseudoclassical Tragifarce in a Bastard French Tradition”. AMERICANA E-Journal of American Studies in Hungary 9 (2). https://iskolakultura.hu/index.php/americanaejournal/article/view/45189.
Author Biography

Márta Ótott

Márta Ótott is a PhD student in the English and American Literature and Culture PhD program at the Institute of English and American Studies at the University of Szeged. She specializes in American drama and theater, devoting special attention to experimental theaters, Off- and Off-Off Broadway theaters and the plays they present. Email: otomar87@gmail.com