Autopsy and/as différance - CSI's ekphrastic bodies

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David Levente Palatinus


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How to Cite
Palatinus, David Levente. 2013. “Autopsy and/As différance - CSI’s Ekphrastic Bodies”. AMERICANA E-Journal of American Studies in Hungary 9 (2).
Author Biography

David Levente Palatinus

David Levente Palatinus, PhD, is Lecturer in Contemporary Literature and Culture at the Catholic University of Ruzomberok. He currently holds a Post-Doctoral Research Fellowship at the Institute of Advanced Studies of the University of Bologna. His research focuses on the meta-narratives of medicine, the later work of Derrida, and the phenomenology of crime and violence. He has published on 20th-century American literature, the screen-aesthetics of violence, the representations of autopsy in popular media, and on Derrida and the haptic. He is currently working on a book-length project called “PathologEthics and Culture.” Email: